Thursday 6 June 2019

Ready to rescue!

What a week! Last week Wednesday, our child support staff and admin team attended a First Aid Workshop. Personally I loved this workshop because it brought our support team closer. It somewhat challenged me when it came to performing CPR, also with knowing the best possible way to treat a wound and knowing what to do with someone who's had an allergic reaction or seizure.

There is a process before you perform CPR on someone.
Best possible way to remember is using the DRSABCD abbreviation.
 Danger: Ensure safety of yourself, others and the patient.
 Response: Check response using voice and touch.
Send: If there is no response, call 111 and ask for Ambulance.
Airways: Tilt the head back and lift the chin.
 Breathing: Look for normal breathing.
Commence CPR: If not breathing normally: Place two hands in the centre of the chest. Push down HARD and FAST 30 times, then give 2 breaths.

Continue until the ambulance arrives. Defibrillation: Attach an AED (defib) if available and follow the instructions. It was awesome to see the team eager to learn new things and also open to doing things that were outside of their comfort zone. It made me realise that no matter how old you are, you never stop learning. Our child support team can now possibly save lives, maybe yours one day. Ramona :)