Wednesday 29 April 2020

Sticking to what we know!

 Home schooling is very interesting for both my kids and I.
I have always known that "teachers" are the true champions when it comes to multi-tasking but to do it with constant praise and reassurance is next level.
Cullai loves the fact that he gets to watch his class mates eat breakfast during their class hangouts in the morning.
Jane loves that she gets time to finish things off properly without any distractions or her being a distraction.
I still do the "eyes on me", at first the kids thought it was funny but I think it's not the same without a whole classroom full of kids to repeat after me. We are still sticking to what we know and always trying to follow the Pt England Way even at home.


  1. What a great job you're doing. Glad the kids are so happy working from home in their 'new normal'. Keep having fun at home together and stay safe.

  2. Aua that's the Point England Spirit Miss Timmi!

    You and the family keep up the mean work 😌
