Wednesday 29 April 2020

Sticking to what we know!

 Home schooling is very interesting for both my kids and I.
I have always known that "teachers" are the true champions when it comes to multi-tasking but to do it with constant praise and reassurance is next level.
Cullai loves the fact that he gets to watch his class mates eat breakfast during their class hangouts in the morning.
Jane loves that she gets time to finish things off properly without any distractions or her being a distraction.
I still do the "eyes on me", at first the kids thought it was funny but I think it's not the same without a whole classroom full of kids to repeat after me. We are still sticking to what we know and always trying to follow the Pt England Way even at home.

Mrs Williams Bakes with Grandson

During the lock down Mrs Williams and her 
grandson baked some yummy treats to enjoy with the family.
Check it out!

# Banana cake
# Chocolate Cupcakes
# Vanilla Cupcakes


Wednesday 22 April 2020

Miss Timmi Gets Fit!

This morning I got managed to get up extra early to "Get Fit"!!

It was a beautiful morning for a walk and I ended up walking 10kms starting from Glendowie through to St Helliers down around Glen Innes and all the way back home. I have had a lot of time during this lock down to go for long walks and try out some YouTube workouts.

Better Living Everyone! Get Fit! Stay Safe!